Jackson, Miss.—The Business and Industry Political Education Committee (BIPEC), which represents business and industry leaders in Mississippi, named Delbert Hosemann as “Best for Business & Jobs” in the upcoming election for Lt. Governor. BIPEC President and Chief Executive Officer Derek Easley noted Hosemann’s leadership in cutting taxes and growing the State’s educated workforce. The Republican Primary will take place on August 8. The General Election is November 7.
Hosemann was first elected as Lt. Governor in 2019 with more than 60 percent of the vote.
“Delbert has personal experience running a business and he has always brought this knowledge to the legislative arena, first as Secretary of State and also in his first term as Lt. Governor,” Easley said. “He has used this knowledge to make it easier to start and maintain a business in Mississippi. We applaud his administration’s efforts and look forward to a second term.”
Under Hosemann’s leadership, the Mississippi Senate cut the income tax by $525 million without raising any taxes. This will result in a flat income tax rate of 4 percent in 2026. Additionally, he oversaw passage of legislation otherwise making the tax code more favorable for businesses, such as allowing a full and immediate deduction on equipment rather than depreciation.
“We have worked hard to champion the interests of our businesses, increase opportunities for workforce training, and otherwise make Mississippi an attractive place to open or expand,” Hosemann said. “We are thankful for BIPEC’s endorsement.”
In his first term as Lt. Governor, Hosemann also oversaw the:
- Creation of MFlex, a performance-based, easy-to-calculate economic development tax incentive for new or expanding industry;
- Consolidation of workforce development efforts under one agency—Accelerate Mississippi, which is refocusing resources on training for high-demand, high-wage jobs and implementing a career coaching program in K-12 schools; and
- Investment of billions of dollars in road, bridges, broadband, and other infrastructure in order to prepare for and encourage economic development throughout the State.
As a steadfast conservative who spent most of his career as a businessman in the private sector, Hosemann previously served as Secretary of State. Raised in Warren County, Mississippi, Hosemann holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Notre Dame, a law degree from Ole Miss, and a Master of Laws in Taxation from New York University. He is a former partner of Phelps Dunbar, LLP. Hosemann also served his country in the United States Army Reserve.
Delbert and Lynn Hosemann, married for more than 52 years, have three children and eight grandchildren.
For more information about the campaign, visit www.delberthosemann.com.
BIPEC reviews backgrounds of candidates running for the Legislature and statewide offices. BIPEC disseminates research findings to members and educates its members on the impact elected officials could have on economic growth and MS employers. It is an independent, autonomous organization and is not affiliated with any political party or candidate. BIPEC actions are limited to advocacy, candidate research, and candidate recommendations. BIPEC evaluates many factors while considering recommendations, including potential election unity within the business/employer community.